Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Bunny

This is my beautiful, lovable bunny. Her name is Flopsy and she eats country brooms and every plant she can find or that I give her. She lives in my veranda with a mama cat named Mixie, her kitten named Tiger and Buttercup the big German Shepherd. Buttercup is a bit scared of the bunny even though she's over 5 times her size. Tiger likes the bunny, espeically for a playmate, but the bunny just ignores him. Tiger also tries to eat her food, but he doesn't usually like it because it's mostly leaves. Mixie just ignores the bunny.

If people come into the veranda and they don't look too scary, the bunny runs right up to them. But if they are a little scary, she runs and hides behind her cage.